Sunday, October 3, 2021


 I have always found it hard to call one place home. Throughout my life I have lived in several different states all up and down the east coast and now in the midwest. Although this has always been my choice I still miss my home where I grew up. I am originally from Connecticut yet I now only live there in the summer time. Since I was the age of thirteen I haven't lived at my home with my family and had to make a new home. 

I started my journey In high school. I lived at a high school in the northern part of Massachusetts. I made this decision ultimately to continue playing hockey at a higher level. This was very hard for me to do at a young age and often recall myself getting home sick and begging my parents to pick me up nearly every weekend, but as the year went on I had gotten used to it and began to enjoy it. I stayed at the school for all four of my high school years and as I look back at it, I had one hell of a time. I had no curfew, no parents to tell me what time to be home and what to do and I learned how to be an adult at an early age. 

After high school I chose to continue playing hockey rather than go to school right away. I lived in Syracuse New York my first year. This was a lot further then northern Massachusetts yet I was able to call my little apartment home and my roommates my brothers. I later moved to Charlotte North Carolina in hope I liked the team and location better and I was more than lucky enough to move into a house with people who I consider my second parents. I lived with three of my now best friends and one little brother who I still keep in contact with.

Now I am in Indiana and I often ask myself how I ended up here.
crazy how a little decision can make such a big impact on your life in such short time. If I hadn't made the choice to step away from school then I honestly can say I have no clue where I would be now. This was possibly the happiest and most proud decision I have ever made for myself and I often remind myself how truly lucky I am to be here at PNW.  

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