Sunday, September 26, 2021

Personal Essay

 As we head into the weeks to come I have been taking time focusing on my personal essay. This assignment so far has been very interesting to me and I am enjoying it a lot. I have always enjoyed free writing about my personal life because I like telling my story to others. 

Within class as we did the exercise where we wrote down specific sights, smells and various other senses we had at a stage in our lives, it brought back memories I completely forgot I had. It took me to a fifteen year old Blake, sophomore year in high school hanging out in my friends dorm room playing xbox and eating pizza. Although very stereotypical of a teenage boy to wast time eating junk and playing video games it was calming in a way to remember these forgotten memories. After doing this exercise and having the day to write alone with no distractions of the classroom I attempted this exercise alone. 

The exercise took to way back to a very young version of Blake. I encountered memories of me and my siblings that I haven't thought of in years. It took me to happy memories and to sad ones, but in all it really helped me with my personal essay and gave me material that I needed to sit down and write. As I am getting deeper into my essay and the more I write the more I am enjoy writing it. 

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