Sunday, November 28, 2021


 As the school year goes on and I live nearly fifteen hours from home I was finally able to head home for a much-needed break from school. I flew home this past Tuesday with excitement to see my family and be capable to sleep in my own bed. I haven't been home since the beginning of August and this has been difficult. 

I spent the entire vacation with my family. I had my best friend from home pick me up from the airport Tuesday at midnight and I cannot describe how excited I was to see him. I grew up with him and we have been best friends since we were in middle school. The following day I got to see my siblings, nieces, and parents whom I haven't seen in what felt like years. This made me beyond happy and was nearly therapeutic. We watched hockey, went shopping, and did all the things we always do, and of course, feasted on a ridiculous amount of food on Thanksgiving day. 

This thanksgiving was very enjoyable and I loved every second of being home. It reminded me of the summer and it made me happy being back in my element. This time had made me really realize how thankful I am for my family and all they do for me. I hope everyone had enjoyed their holiday as much as I did!!



 As the school year goes on and I live nearly fifteen hours from home I was finally able to head home for a much-needed break from school. I...